In partnership with the integrated care board for North West London, we invited patients and the public to share their views on our proposal for improving inpatient orthopaedic surgery in a formal consultation running from 19 October 2022 to 20 January 2023. An evaluation of the feedback –from just under 2,000 individuals and organisations - was produced by independent research agency, Verve Communications.

The feedback emphasised the need for additional transport support, for care – between hospitals and with community services – to be fully joined-up and to avoid leaving anyone behind with new ways of working, particularly in terms of expanding digital options. We have built on our initial proposal, committing to a door-to-door transport offer, patient navigators and ensuring in-person alternatives to all digital services.

We reviewed all of the feedback to develop recommendations on next steps within a ‘decision making business case’ which was approved by NHS North West London Board on 21 March 2023. The proposal also reflected feedback and guidance from the London Clinical Senate, the North West London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Mayor of London (who commissioned the Nuffield Trust to assess the proposal against his six tests for major NHS service change).