Three new NHS Community Diagnostic Centres, based in north west London, are part of a national initiative to build additional diagnostic capacity for planned care. These centres are based in the community, or deliberately targeted to improve access to care in areas impacted by increased deprivation. These are separate from urgent and emergency pathways, where tests will continue as present.

The community diagnostic centres aim to improve access and efficiency for patients requiring checks, scans and tests, by providing services at a more convenient location.

The centres aim to reduce waiting times and improve outcomes for patients, by no longer requiring attendance at acute hospital services, if a local centre is more convenient. This is particularly important for patients with cancer, and other serious conditions, where early detection is key.
Patients will still be referred by GPs and primary care providers through their hospital trust. The trusts will arrange for tests to be taken at a local service, if convenient. If there is no suitable community service for the patient, tests will be taken in a hospital.

Community Diagnostic Centres and public health

£1.4 billion in national funding has been allocated by NHS England to develop Community Diagnostic Centres, targeting services to address health inequalities at a community level. 

This will improve healthcare for those who most need it and address barriers around access to diagnostic services that may currently result in patients not entering suitable care pathways. This will also support those who experience complications due to late presentation of symptoms and delayed diagnosis.

Community Diagnostic Centres in north west London

Three new Community Diagnostic Centres will operate in north west London, funded by £47.2 million in national investment by NHS England. 

These centres will run out of existing NHS sites and have been selected to cater for communities shown to be most impacted by health disparities when accessing healthcare in north west London. This follows significant community engagement across the region.

Together, the new Community Diagnostic Centres will offer over 180,000 diagnostic tests per year in north west London. These centres will be fully integrated into the existing network of diagnostic services across the region.

The three Community Diagnostic Centres are: